Join us on the 17th of August for a @

Vihangam Yog

Unwinding Spirituality

United Kingdom

Anant Shri Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj seated under a large tree, with His Holy Scripture the Swarved.A set of carved statues that represent a horse, reins, a chariot and charioteer with a master also seated in the chariot.

“The status of 'Yogī' is only bestowed upon one has become free from life and death. It is the passing of such an individual which is lauded.”

Swarved M3/C1/D3

The most powerful, ancient meditation
technique, rediscovered for the modern world.

Upcoming Events in August 2024

Book now to reserve a spot - suitable for individuals, couples, families.

Maher Centre, Leicester

3:30pm - 8:30pm09 August 2024


Tooting Broadway, London

5:30pm - 8:30pm10 August 2024


Bromley, London

5:00pm - 8:00pm11 August 2024


Slough, London

4:00pm - 8:00pm15 August 2024


Leeds Temple, Leeds

3:00pm - 8:00pm17 August 2024



3:00pm - 8:00pm18 August 2024


Vihangam Yog has transformed my life. The deep breathing exercises, meditation, and spiritual guidance offer inner peace of a different kind.

Sarika Handa, London

After meditating consistently, difficult decisions and remembering the smallest of details have become easy. I am a different person.

Vikas Shrivastava, Kent

Vihangam Yog is the epitome of spirituality. Through meditation practice and reading Swarved, I have become a resilient individual.

Garima Mehta, England

I am having a wonderful journey and long may it continue. Superb experience - everything is worth a try….

Carmel Curran, England

Rediscovered by His Holiness, Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj in 1924, Vihangam Yog has transformed millions around the globe through a simple, scientifically-backed technique.

Calm yourself

Discover a state of peace independent from the busy world we live in. Inner peace awaits.

Accept the challenge

The most impactful individuals overcome the most difficult of challenges. Overcome and prosper.

Alert but restful

Experience “Restful alertness” - a state where one is at peace, but fully attentive.

Become resilient

Irrespective of what goes on around you, you will be the same; strong and at peace.

Meet The Masters

Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj

Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj

The Founder of Vihangam Yog Sansthan

Sadguru Dharmachandra Deo Ji Maharaj

Sadguru Dharmachandra Deo Ji Maharaj

The First Succeeding Sadguru

Sadguru Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj

Sadguru Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj

The Current Master

Sant Pravar Vigyaan Deo Ji Maharaj

Sant Pravar Vigyaan Deo Ji Maharaj

Sadguru Uttarādhikhārī

Sant Naam Deo Ji Maharaj

The silence within us opens up the door to the universe to begin conversing with us.

Sant Naam Deo Ji Maharaj

International Convenor of Vihangam Yog

Inner Wellbeing - with Naam Deo Ji

Tune in at 5PM GMT on Rangoli Radio Saturday, the 25th of May, 2024

Learn more →


What is Vihangam Yog?

Vihangam Yog is an ancient, meditative path and science.

It goes by many names in the Ancient Indian scriptures, including Brahma Vidyā. In Vihangam Yog, seekers are instructed into a technique of meditation which is utmost powerful and simple, by the Master of the technique, the Sadguru. It is the complete path of spirituality, which goes beyond self-realization, to the highest peak of the spiritual path.

What is the Mind?

If you close your eyes and try to control your thoughts, you will find that you succeed for a few moments. But, eventually, you lose control and thoughts begin to take over you.

This ‘friction’ which we occasionally become aware of: It demonstrates the power of the Mind. The Mind is also known as the ‘Monkey Mind’ in many cultures, and is the source of all stress and suffering we experience in life. The Mind drives our senses towards their attractions, and deludes us from taking control of our life.

Hence, in Vihangam Yog, one learns how to gain complete control over this Mind.

What do you need to practice Vihangam Yog?

All you need is a comfortable place to sit, adequate lighting, and ten minutes in the morning and evening. Nothing else is required!

Who is Sadguru?

The Sadguru is the Master of the technique and path of Vihangam Yog. It is He who takes a practitioner from the beginning of the path, to its very peak.

Only a Sadguru can anoint a Sadguru.

Hence, the role and authority of Sadguru is utmost unique. In the modern day, the current Sadguru is Sadguru Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj, who has travelled to over 50+ countries, propagating the science of Vihangam Yog.

What are the benefits of Vihangam Yog?

There are numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits when practicing Vihangam Yog. Practitioners cite an increase in memory power, sleep quality, decision power, and the emergence of a sense of restfulness, mixed with alertness. One’s ability to focus and concentrate is boosted, enabling progress in all dimensions of life. As a complete spiritual path, for those who seek spiritual benefits, Vihangam Yog exemplifies and reveals all.

What is Swarved?

The Founder of Vihangam Yog, Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj penned over 30+ books describing the entirety of His spiritual journey. Amongst these, the most lauded of His writings is Swarved, in which He demystifies the most complex experiences and concepts of the spiritual path in the simplest of ways, based entirely upon the meditative experiences which unfolded before Him on His spiritual journey.

It is a text which is known to be the Encyclopaedia of Spirituality, and hence a must-read for seekers of spirituality.

How long do you meditate for?

The first stage of Vihangam Yog meditation is practiced twice a day for ten minutes.

As with everything, there is an ideal time to meditate in the morning and evening – the time before sunrise and the time before sunset, respectively. For those who follow a different schedule, a common approach is to practice it before and after going to sleep.

How quickly can I expect changes?

The meditative path is unique for everyone. When following the procedure of a proven experiment, the results of it become repeatable. Such is the wonders of Vihangam Yog: If you practice it as it has been prescribed, the results unfold.

Across the globe, millions of practitioners have lauded the benefits of Vihangam Yog. We are excited to see you embark upon this journey, with the Sadguru.

Get in touch with us

Interested in learning how to meditate? Reach us below.

Join our daily meditation sessions

10PM UK / 1PM EU • Join via Zoom (passcode = 12345)